Sponsorship Opportunities

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At CRWRF we see child and family sponsorship as a powerful way to alleviate the cycle of poverty and provide children with the opportunity to thrive. By providing accommodation, healthcare, education, and nutrition to families and children, we are helping them grow in God’s kingdom. Beyond financial aid, child sponsorship at CRWRF often includes connecting with the family or child. This holistic approach not only transforms individual lives but also has a ripple effect, benefiting families and communities at large.

Kenyan Child Sponsorship

The cost to sponsor a child in Achego Home, Mufu Home and Tumaini Home is $40 per month. These children are fully cared for in the home and are supported until they have been re-integrated into their communities through adoption or fostering programs or have completed their primary education.

Busia Family Sponsorship

By sponsoring a Busian family, you will be helping parents learn how to run their businesses and farms effectively, and how to raise their children well. Your sponsorship will also help children go to school and learn important lessons in faith, health, and community involvement. This holistic approach to sponsorship promotes family stability and community growth. As a Busia sponsor you will receive an update on your family’s progress every fall and can send letters to them.

The cost to sponsor a family in Busia is $45 per month.

Lomé Student Sponsorship

When you sponsor a student from Lomé Centre for the Blind, you will be helping a visually impaired student gain access to braille resources and vocational training, and have their basic needs met, so that they can thrive in school and grow up to be involved in their community. As a Lomé sponsor you will receive a profile of your student and can send letters to them.

The cost to sponsor a student in Togo is $50 per month.

Please go to Donations for further information on how to send your support.

CRWRF gives you the opportunity to choose from four child sponsorship opportunities and one family sponsorship opportunity in Kenya:

Achego Rescue Home
Tumaini Rescue Centre
Mufu Rescue Home
Lomé Centre for the Blind
Busia Project

Did you know?

CRWRF accepts bequests.

In general, the Board agrees that bequests received by the Fund that are not designated by the Estate should be allocated for one-time costs rather than ongoing project support.