Donate Now
Freely you have received; freely give.
– Matthew 10:8B

Are you looking for a way to share your financial blessings with others? There are several ways that you can do this. Please note that donations made online via Canada Helps are receipted by Canada Helps, not by CRWRF.
Donate Online
Donate By Cheque
Donate Via e-Transfer
Send e-Transfer to Include in the Message box:
- Donor’s first and last name and full mailing address (including full street address, city/town, province, postal code)
- Project designation if desired
- Ideally, also your email address
- Or send an email to with the info above, and the date and amount of the e-transfer
Note: if you do not provide the required information along with your e-transferred donation, we will not be able to issue a tax receipt or allocate your donation to a specific project.