
Freely you have received;
freely give.

– Matthew 10:8B

Our Mission

Faithworks was formed in 1996, when a group of interested and like-minded individuals came together, with the goal to find ways to glorify God through mission related activities.

Faithworks Mission Statement:

As representatives of the body of Christ, we want to extend help to those in need of relief or 
development assistance, while learning about poverty and justice issues and their application in our 
lives so that we bring glory to God.

Faithworks, operating as a sub-committee under the Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund, fulfills 
this mandate by organizing short term volunteer work trips in support of mission activities.


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Did you know?

CRWRF accepts bequests.

In general, the Board agrees that bequests received by the Fund that are not designated by the Estate should be allocated for one-time costs rather than ongoing project support.