
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

– Matthew 19: 14

Project Overview

New Hope Foundation is an organization that provides care for orphaned, homeless or impoverished children by providing them with a home, physical care, education and life-skills. While at the same time exposing them to Christianity and spiritual training. Rev Edwer and Femmy Dethan, along with a team of local councillors, manage the home and the care of the children.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for political stability for Timor so that everyone can live peaceably and in harmony with one another.
  • Pray for economic stability for the country and the families at the school.
  • Pray for the families who depend on the land for their food as the island is experiencing extreme drought.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of the children so that they might have a strong faith.
Project Details

In December 2016 CRWRF entered a partnership with New Hope Foundation (also known as “Yayasan Pendidikan Elpida”), in the Province of West Timor, in the Republic of Indonesia. Since then, this partnership has flourished and been renewed multiple times. We supported the construction of a Boy’s and Girl’s dormitory, as well as the sponsorship of orphans and educational bursaries. In addition to this, we have worked with the team on the ground to offer support in emergency situations such as Hurricane Seroja, the Covid-19 pandemic, and a recent drought. Aid was given in the form of care packages containing food and toiletries, as well as assistance for repairing and reconstructing buildings. Pray for this partnership and the work being done in West Timor.


West Timor – Indonesia

Project Start & Partners

We have been supporting them through the Board of Mission Aid Smithville and the New Hope organization since 2016.

What is involved within the project:

  • Partnership with Board of Mission Aid Smithville.
  • Children’s rescue centre/orphans.
  • 95 sponsor children.
  • 11 staff.
  • Children attend Elpida New Hope Schools.
  • The Reformed Churches of Timor, New Hope and CRWRF through Pastor Ed Dethan and his Wife Femmy have provided physical relief in the forms of food, baby care and hygiene packages.
  • They had a devastating Cyclone which has had a significant impact on the students living in the area.
  • Covid has negatively impacted the people living in Timor physically and economically. Furthermore, schools were suspended in COVID and due to poor wifi it was difficult for the children to learn from home.
  • The African swine flu wiped out thousands of pigs which came through West Timor.
  • There has been little rain which means there is a loss of crops.
Updates from our Field workers

“We are thankful for the opportunity we have to reach out to these young people, it is encouraging to see the impact this has in their lives.”

Femmy Dethan

“The New Hope residents all have different backgrounds. Most of them have lost either one or both parents, or have been abandoned by their parents for economic and/or social reasons. Though they posses different backgrounds, each with their unique story of how they came to New Hope, they have one thing in common which is the lack of being provided for in terms of food and drink, healthcare, education and most importantly spiritual care.”

Fichtor Missa
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How can you support this project?

Support the children in these homes by emailing us at timor@crwrf.ca or donating here.