Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
– Galatians 6:9
A community development project which focuses on increasing food security with community vegetable gardens and training for vulnerable individuals living in the Linguère region of North Senegal. The project builds on previous phases of nutrition and vegetable farming programming and programs focused on reducing deaths of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) due to malnutrition and HIV/AIDS. Many of the women supported are People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).

Originally, the project supported those families who have taken in orphans and vulnerable children by supplying formula for newborn babies, covering transportation costs for medical care, assisting with school fees, and providing health education to caregivers. Aid was distributed to the lowest income families or those with greatest need.
Over time, three community vegetable gardens were also established in three communities. Depending on what they grow, the women who garden here use the produce to supplement their family’s nutrition or sell the produce in the market for additional income. The project plans to establish seven more gardens.
SLDS also does several training sessions:
- Training on sustainable agricultural techniques to farmers of all community vegetable gardens previously established with CRWRF support.
- Training on community nutrition and cooking.
- ‘Positive Living’ events for People Living with HIV/AIDS.
The project is in Linguère, Senegal. Linguère is in the mid-northern region of Senegal. The town has roughly 15,000 people. There is a post office, bank, market, health hut, and several stores.
Project Start & Partners
CRWRF has been supporting the project since 2017. CRWRF supports the project by partnering with World Renew and our local implementing partner Services Luthériens pour le Developpement au Sénégal (SLDS).

Support the families by emailing Marise Veldman at or donating here.