Mufu Rescue Centre

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

– Matthew 19: 14

Project Profile

AIC (Africa Inland Church) Mufu Rescue center was initially started as AIC Mufu Children’s Home but later in 2012 the home changed to a rescue center so as to align itself with the government’s policy on orphans and vulnerable children. The center is sponsored by Africa Inland Church under Africa Inland Child & Community Agency for Development. It is located in Embu County, Runyenjes Sub County, Kyeni North Ward in Mufu Village. From the center one is able to view the beautiful scenery of Mt Kenya as the center is situated on the slopes of Mt Kenya.

The center was established with a sole purpose of giving hope and showing Christ’s love to the orphans and vulnerable children. The first children were enrolled in 1983 with 17 children. In total more than 1,500 orphans and vulnerable children have benefited from the rescue home since then. Currently the center is served by five staff members including: a manager, social worker, house mother, the cook and security person.

Prayer Requests

  • The impact of heavy rains on roads & crop growth.
  • The health of the children – that they do not get sick during the cold weather as diseases can spread quickly.

Current Developments and Activities

In the past years, the home had acute shortage of water since there was no availability of piped water in the division. The few water tanks in the centre were worn out and inadequate. However, the situation has improved over the years. The centre has three large water tanks, with a capacity of 10,000 litres each. There is also piped water available, which was installed five years ago with aid from the Polish Government. The home also has a shallow well that is used for irrigation and other farming activities when there is shortage of piped water.

This has seen many developments take place on the centre’s farm with the main activities being horticulture, pig rearing, poultry and goat rearing projects. The horticulture project has been meeting all the centre’s vegetable requirements and through the sale of surplus the goat project came forth. Some of the vegetables grown are kales, cabbages, tomatoes, zucchini and capsicum. There are other crops like bananas, sweet potatoes and arrow roots that are grown in the centre as well.

Future Plans and Aspirations

There is still an overwhelming number of orphaned and vulnerable children in need of support and care in the area due to prevailing HIV/AIDS threat as well as unemployment, poverty, and parental neglect of children. Such children are either left with their poor and elderly grandparents or are just abandoned and left under the mercies of well wishers.

The centre hopes to keep caring for these children and admit new ones, since there is enough room to host more. However, this has been a challenge especially with the girl’s dormitory which is small and already full, with a capacity of 15 girls. The centre’s main dormitory can hold up to 40 boys, but currently has only 15 boys. There are currently more than 10 new rescue cases awaiting approval and formal admission.

The AIC Mufu children’s home aspires to be a role model in not only Orphans & Vunerable Children care and support, but also in socio-economic development and conservation of our God-given natural environment.

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