Who is CRWRF?
The Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund (CRWRF) is a voluntary charitable organization based in the federation of Canadian Reformed Churches. The Fund presents an avenue for members of our supporting churches to respond to the needs of their distant neighbours.
The fundamental basis of the Canadian Reformed World Relief Fund is the infallible Word of God, as summarized in the Three Forms of Unity: the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort. Our Scriptural basis for both immediate and long-term response is that Christians are called, as they have opportunity, to do good to all men, especially to those of the household of faith.
We therefore have a simple purpose:
To give Christian charity to every area of the world that is in need of such.
In order to ensure continued commitment to this purpose the Fund has affirmed the following two foundational principles:
- We believe that “all gifts which we possess are bestowed by God and entrusted to us on the condition that they be distributed for our neighbour’s benefit”; and
- In the Bible, we are instructed to meet the temporal needs of the poor and oppressed by showing generosity, charity, mercy and kindness in any area of the world, especially to those in the household of faith, in thankfulness for the salvation we have in Jesus Christ
CRWRF has a working board made up of volunteers who deal with the administration of the funds. Each member has a specific project they are responsible for or a defined role on the board (i.e. Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sponsorship & Relief) The board reports to the membership, who is, local Canadian and American Reformed Churches.