Parcels of Hope

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

– Galatians 6:9

What is being done?

Zisize Parcels of Hope are small food packages that are distributed by volunteers of the two home based care projects Ithembalethu and Mkiweni, supported by Zisize Care Centre in KwaZulu, Natal, South Africa.

A food parcel costs about $43 CAD and usually contains some basic food staples and adult incontinence products if needed. However, one family rarely gets a full package as they are often split between multiple families due to great need.

Food is primarily distributed to those suffering the consequences of HIV/AIDS & tuberculosis. They are often orphans and the sick and poor. The food parcels also include vegetable seedlings for community and individual gardens. The medication they receive is free but is not effective without eating vegetables. There is often no money to buy vegetables. Poverty is quickly becoming the predominant issue facing the people in this area of SA.

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