Khothatsong – Home Based Care
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
– Galatians 6:9
In 2000 the Khothatsong AIDS Committee was formed by members of the Free Reformed Church in South Africa with the goal of bringing Christian-based care and support to the victims of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The volunteer committee oversees the running of the program while a volunteer nurse attends the project weekly to supervise the work of paid home based carers, a spiritual carer and a gardener. From an office in Shoshanguve the carers visit people in their homes to check in, provide medications, organize clinic visits, and provide education and support. Weekly support groups are held for those addicted to drugs and for caregivers. People are trained and supported to plant gardens on their plots to provide the vegetables needed to ensure that the HIV medications are effective. Together the project staff do over 2,400 visits per year. CRWRF supports the work of the Khothatsong AIDS committee by contributing to the salary costs of the paid staff.