Chennai, India Flood

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

– Galatians 6:9

What happened in India?

In December 2016 Chennai, India received nearly 1300mm of rain – more than 10 times what they normally have, it was the largest rainfall they had seen in over 100 years. Consequently, many lost homes, people were killed, and all transportation to Chennai was cut off.

What was done?

CRWRF partnered with Help a Child India & Stiching Red Een Kind (SREK) from June 2016 to June 2017. The recovery phase of the Chennai Flood Relief and Recovery project enabled families to gradually rebuild their homes and focus on options for earning a decent living.

Over 40 families have directly received support through the funds received. Most of them have very small children and unable to earn a decent livelihood. Children living in the Satya Sai Nagar slum are now going to school and are very enthusiastic in participating in activities exclusively organised for them.

Impact Statement

Meenakshi, a resident of Koil Street, Satyasai Nagar is a 28 yr old woman whose family was a victim in the Chennai floods. Their house was submerged in the flood waters and they lost most of their belongings and their means of livelihood. She and her husband were working as roadside caterers and had a small food stall. With their source of income lost, they could not support their family and found it difficult to take care of their two year old daughter.

Their family was identified for livelihood support, and they were helped by receiving a push cart and the necessary jars and cooking utensils that they would require for the rebuilding of their business – they have started working again. They provide breakfast and lunch and soup during the evenings. The food is cooked in their home and with the help of the push cart they carry it to the workplace. They are thankful for the assistance they’ve received.