And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
– Galatians 6:9
A community development project that focuses on building economic and social capacities for families in the region of Busia. The Busia project does this by creating groups in the community so they can share ideas in business and community growth. Self-help groups work together to learn about good farming, hygiene, health, and business. Positive parenting groups work together to learn about ways parents can build up their children to reach their full option. Children’s groups give kids in the community a place to grow and learn about how to live well in community.
Another large part of this project is microfinancing. Families are given small loans to grow their businesses and then can give money back into their community.

The programs which AICCAD provide focus on teaching each other how to help themselves and how to address the root causes of poverty. CRWRF supports approximately 100 families working in groups of 10 -20 people who meet weekly to support and learn from one another. Their programs focus on:
- Animal husbandry, farming techniques, and crops.
- Setting up small trades.
- Loans for small business.
- Hygiene & health lessons.
This project is located in Busia, a region in the Western side of Kenya. It is known as the gateway to East and Central Africa as it is a county located on the western border of Africa. Lake Victoria is located at the bottom of the county and there are a number of rivers which run through the area. Many who live in the area farm for a living. Approximately 66.7% of people living in Busia live in poverty.
Project Start & Partners
CRWRF has been supporting this Busia project starting in 2021. CRWRF was supporting the Busia project through REK (Red een Kind/Help a Child) a sponsorship organization in the Netherlands and AICCAD (African Inland Child and Community Agency for Development) which is the organization walking along the Busia community on the ground.

Sponsor a family as they go through the community development program by emailing Ruth Gelms at familysponsorship@crwrf.ca or donating here.