Host a Fundraiser

Freely you have received;
freely give.

– Matthew 10:8B

Faith in Action

CRWRF serves the church’s membership in their expression of thankfulness for the Lord’s great mercies lavished upon believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. CRWRF believes that funding for global poverty should grow organically as our membership develops greater awareness of the needs of their neighbour living in poverty and of the appropriate and culturally respectful ways of joining with these neighbours as they respond to the needs in their communities.

We do not have a marketing plan to persuade people to give money, nor do we pressure individuals to reach financial targets. Rather we encourage everyone to be generous according to his or her ability and give what God has put in his or her heart to give (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Fundraising Ideas

CRWRF has been enabled to respond to funding requests from developing world countries over the past 50 years due to strong Christian stewardship within our churches. Many individuals continue to share their time, their treasures and their talents to address global poverty through the CRWRF. Here are a few ideas to help those who want to raise global awareness within their family or church, or would like to participate in fundraising.

Special Event and Sponsorship

Schools, study societies, and families often ask us for ideas on how to promote reflection about global poverty and how to encourage people in their group to share with others in need. Be creative as you design activities to raise awareness. For some ideas of what you could do:

  • Walkathon, bike race, sports competition.
  • Car wash, service auction, bake sale, dessert night.
  • 24-hour fast to raise money for world poverty – Simulate a refugee camp setting to reflect on the daily struggles of millions of refugees.
  • Distribute specially marked jars to the people in your group who are committed to “fast” from some luxury purchase for a month and collect this money towards world poverty (i.e. coffee shop or fast food purchase, pop & chips, entertainment, desserts).
  • Get sponsors contributions for world hunger for each hour your group volunteers a local food bank.
Include the Following Elements

Choose one CRWRF project that you would like to support.

Pray for the needs of that project, the project leaders and participants, and the country where the project is located.

Read and reflect on scripture relating to God’s special concern for the poor. Some scripture verses you might choose for the theme of your event are: Micah 6:8, Proverbs 31:9. Amos 5:24, Psalm 65:9, Psalm 104:13-14, Isaiah 58:6, Isaiah 58:10, Matthew 25:35, James 2:18.

Be informed about the project, the problems, and the special difficulties of the work. Feel free to contact us for the most recent project update.

Learn about best practices of Christian Relief and Development work. Click here to see CRWRF’s best practices. Become informed about the reasons why people are poor, and some of the difficulties in overcoming these obstacles. For recommendations on available poverty educational resources or to arrange for a speaker feel free to contact us.

Make a personal long term plan to be part of the solution. Your decision may include a commitment to be faithful in prayer for a certain project or issue, help a refugee adapt to life in Canada, or appreciate the beauty and diversity of the different cultures our Lord has created by attending a multicultural celebration, or listening to a lecture by someone of another cultural background. You may decide to raise funds for AIDS orphans yearly with your bible study society. Others have made changes in their lifestyles to promote greater justice to the poor by purchasing fair trade items, or living more simply to free up more resources to help others.

Did you know?

CRWRF accepts bequests.

In general, the Board agrees that bequests received by the Fund that are not designated by the Estate should be allocated for one-time costs rather than ongoing project support.